Jacki perseveres
Our office is at the corner of Martin Luther King and Virginia Street. There are two elementary schools, a preschool, and Totland park within two blocks.
Over the last many years we have witnessed numerous accidents and heard numerous screeches as cars have come to grinding emergency halts. This intersection is very dangerous. Thirteen months ago Jacki started requesting that the city take a look at this intersection and install some sort of warning for drivers to watch for and slow for pedestrians. Many many phone calls and e-mails later, Jacki was victorious. Four new signs were installed that will hopefully slow traffic.
We want to specifically thank Hamid Mostowfi in the Berkeley Public Works Department.
I concur. Night is the worst. I’m not sure a sign will work. What I was thinking is what they have on Bancroft. When you push the button, the crosswalk itself has lights that start flashing.